Αρχική Projects Σπουδαστών & Αποφοίτων Mass marketing affects the food industry in a positive and negative way

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Mass marketing affects the food industry in a positive and negative way









αναρτήθηκε στις 5 Ιανουαρίου 2013 από

    Food industry deals with food and its customers are the total of the population of earth. Therefore mass marketing affects the industry in multiple ways and it is fully applied as a note and science on this industry. In order to fully understand the positive and negative effects, we should firstly see from which groups of people the industry is consisted and these groups are the farmers and the producers, the food companies, the distribution network and ofcource all the people who consume.

    The positive effects of mass marketing for the consumers are the variety of goods from all over the world and the multiple choices of quality and price that free market offers in the modern world of globilization. Especially for the people who deal actively with the industry mass marketing benefits them in many ways because new jobs are created, the companies have the opportunity to get their products worlwidely known and increase their sales through advertisement. More sales bring more profit and the profit is invested back to the industry. The farmers and the producers have larger markets and options to promote their products and the means they use for the production are updated  in order to make their job easier and ofcourse to produce more. Durring the proccedure of mass production there are many and strict controls and checkpoints that certify that people can consume the goods without any danger for their health. The trade among companies from different countries give the opportunity for new cooperations and associations and ofcource for  exchanges of cultrure and ideas that give growth to all economies.

    Appart from the positive effects of mass marketing there are also and negative ones. Most important is the misguidance of the consumers through advertisement. Food companies invest a lot to understand the psychology of the customers so their messages to be successfully shoted on target. People think they have the free will to choose what they will consume but in fact big food companies manipulate consumers by controling the prices of goods and in many cases even by controling the type of nutrition that people should follow in orded to be acceptable from the society or just to be ''cool''. All these methods are used  in order to increase the profit of the capital without thinking the consequences for the consumers. Many traditional ways of production are getting lost because the producers cannot compete the big industries and farmers of developed countries many times cannot put their products on the market because similar products from underdeveloped countries are cheaper due to low cost of work. As a result mass marketing affects some groups of people in a negative way but at the same time some others are affected in a positive way.

    In conclusion mass marketing has mostly affected the food industry in a positive way but due to the capitalistic behavior of the global market the capital and people who represent it are those who get mostly benefited.


Σχόλια του Project

  • ΑΔΑΜΙΔΟΥ ΝΑΤΑΣΣΑSurprise,surprise! An elaborate, well-documented and highly academic writing task!

    5 Ιανουαρίου 2013 στις 10:50 πμ
